One thought on “Our Youtube Page!

  1. Stinkin’ camera…. 15 years of marriage…. 7 kids…. and we have NEVER bought a cam-corder. I think we need to work on that one…. the camera recorder doesn’t last very long….. This is my daughter Ali, and our little neighbor… he taught Ali lessons over the summer. Since then, it has just been me and Ali…. I’ve played along with her on the piano and she has pretty much taught herself the rest. Only now, is she taking orchestra in school. She is on a half sized violin in this video, and it does not have a good a sound as her new full sized does. I am amazed at how much more she is now capable of doing after spending nearly three weeks pounding out this song… Her ability to play is increasing by leaps and bounds! Sure wish we could get her in some lessons!

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